How Compliance Evaluation Works

How Compliance works

  1. Scheduling Jobs:

    • The Scheduler Service checks every 60 seconds to identify jobs that need scheduling.

    • Jobs are recorded in PostgreSQL as "Queued" and written to NATS.

  2. Job Execution Rules:

    • Each control per account per benchmark constitutes one job.

    • If a control is shared between two root benchmarks, it is triggered twice.

    • If a control is shared between two benchmarks under the same root, it is triggered once.

  3. Job Completion and Summarization:

    • After job execution, the Summarizer is triggered to generate a compliance summary.

    • The job status in PostgreSQL is updated to "Summarizer in progress."

  4. Recording Findings:

    • Findings are generated per worker and recorded in the database.

  5. Accessing Summary Data:

    • Summary data becomes available after the Summarizer has processed all jobs.

Last updated